A monthly wrap-up on the 1st day of the following month? What’s gotten into me? I guess it helps to not have an overdue race report weighing me down.
April had a really tough finish, but overall, I guess it was OK. I didn’t have any milestones or races (good or bad). Base building isn’t very exciting, but if I do it right, it will pay off on in the New York City Marathon.
April 2017
Total Mileage: 140.55 miles
Average Pace: 10:50/mile
Number of Runs: 21
Last Month (March 2017): 140.11 miles
Last Year (April 2016): 50.15 miles
Races: None.
Total Mileage for 2017 (through March 31): 538.53
Last April was during recovery from my ankle injury, so my mileage was much lower than usual, but at the time, I was overjoyed just to be able to run again.
I set a new record for most miles in a non-marathon training month, breaking the old record of…140.11 miles in March 2017.
Time to check in on my 2017 goals.
Goal 1: 1500 miles
Average miles per day would be 538.53 miles divided by 120 days, that’s about 4.49 miles per day, times 365 days for the year, comes out to over 1,638 miles for the year. Like I said last month (when my projected mileage was only 1,614 miles), wow.
Goal 2: 6 races, with 2 that are 13.1 or greater
I didn’t run any races in April, so I still have 3 races overall, 1 so far that’s 13.1 or greater.
Goal 3: A PR in 3 different races
No races means no new PRs. I still have 2 PRs this year.
As far as my non-specific goals, I kept up the bodyweight exercise routine except when I was at my parents’ house. I do need to do a better job keeping up with that when I’m not at home. Otherwise, it’s going well, I guess. I’ve kept up the slower easy run/faster workout run routine pretty well. I do think my slower runs were gradually getting a little bit faster without me putting in more effort, which is good. (That improvement went out the window with the insane heat and humidity that showed up for my last two runs of the month, but I digress.) My diet is unchanged, and that’s not good. I really need to drink more water, especially with temperatures going up and causing me to sweat a lot more. And I had exactly 0 posts here in April that were not either a weekly wrap-up or an overdue March wrap-up.
Best Run: April 6, 4.21 miles, 9:44/mile pace
I didn’t have a race this month. I had 3 treadmill runs that were both longer and at a faster average pace. But this run ended at Triple C Brewing. It’s the only run this month that ended with a beer, so of course it wins. Seriously, on the last mile or so, I kept up with my co-worker who ran the Boston Marathon this year. Granted, he was tapering, and it was an easy run for him, while I was putting in considerably more effort, but still, I kept up with him, and that’s something.
Worst Run: April 29, 11.02 miles, 12:06/mile pace
April 30 was a planned rest day, so this was my last run of the month. I hate to finish the month on a down note like that, but the weather was just brutal. It felt like August out there, and it probably didn’t help that it was my longest run since the Tobacco Road Half.
I do think May will be slightly lower mileage. I’ve got the Teal Diva 5K on May 13, so that will lower my mileage that week, plus I’ll be on call for work on Memorial Day weekend, and that will take away a long run as well. And if this weekend is any indication (as well as my May 1 run – spoiler alert: it was miserable), I’ll probably have to deal with some heat and humidity in May. Oh well, the decent weather was nice while it lasted.