It took longer than I expected to finish up my Tobacco Road Race Report. Once I finally posted it on Friday, I figured I could post my March Monthly Wrap-Up on Saturday, and then I’d be all caught up. This morning I realized that I had totally forgotten to post the March wrap-up. D’oh! So I figured since the monthly wrap-up is already late, I’d at least get the weekly wrap-up posted on time, and then maybe get the monthly wrap-up posted on Monday.
The funny thing is that I wrote the whole thing before I finished my race report. The only reason I didn’t post it is because I wanted to link to my Tobacco Road race report.
Well, I don’t have any races planned for April, so if my next monthly wrap-up is late, it won’t be because of an overdue race report.
As far as running goes this week, I think I probably ran too fast. Or, more accurately, I didn’t do enough slower running. But I did get to drink beer after one of my runs, so there’s that.
Weight Check: 163.3 pounds, down 0.5 from last week. I’ll take it. As usual, I drank too much Mountain Dew. (Work can be difficult, that’s how I cope.) Otherwise, I guess I ate pretty well.
Day | Total Miles |
Monday | 6.02 |
Tuesday | 5.51 |
Wednesday | 5.01 |
Thursday | 4.21 |
Saturday | 10.31 |
Total: 31.06 miles
Monday I went a hair over my planned mileage because I wasn’t quite at my house and was trying to decide if I wanted to run the rest of the way or not. The problem with having just over 6 miles is that I’m tempted to make it a 10K, and I really didn’t have time for that. It’s funny, a 5.1 or 7.1 mile run doesn’t bother me, but a 6.1 mile run would, because it’s so close to 10K. Also, the conditions sucked, warm and kind of humid, and my legs felt pretty crappy. Somehow, I managed a reverse split. (In hindsight, that may not have been a great idea.)
Tuesday was warmer than Monday, but my legs felt slightly better, and I also avoided the neighborhood hills for the most part. I again managed a reverse split, and again, I’m not sure that was a good thing to do.
Wednesday was my weekly treadmill run, because obviously my mind needed some punishment. My legs felt fine, though. I did take it sort of easy this week, since at this point I was fairly certain I’d be joining the Triple C Beer Runners on Thursday night, and that would be my tempo run this week. I did gradually speed up while I was on the treadmill.
Thursday, for the first time in a long time, I made it out to Triple C Brewing for their weekly run. I knew I’d have to start fast, just to keep up with the crowd to get through the first major intersection with them. Also, it wasn’t that hot, but it was really windy, so that was annoying. I had wanted to get in a little over 4 miles. Right around the 3 mile mark, my co-worker caught up to me, and we ran the rest of the way. His easy pace is my tempo pace. Still, I survived, and afterwards, I was rewarded with beer. I was disappointed that they were out of their Smoked Amber, which would have been good in that weather, so I settled for a Golden Boy, which isn’t terrible, but tastes the same as pretty much every other blonde ale I’ve tried. Then again, it was a post-run beer, and that makes it better.
After a rare Friday rest day, I drove up to Freedom Park Saturday morning for my long run. It was kind of chilly, about 39 degrees when I started. I think I should have slowed down a bit, but my legs felt good the whole time, and I finished really strong.
Today, my legs are sore, and I think it’s because I didn’t have any really easy runs all week. Thursday’s run wasn’t supposed to be easy, that one’s not an issue. It’s the other 4 runs. If I went a little overboard on one of them, I can accept that, but one way or another I feel like all 4 should have been at least a little bit slower.
Next week, not only do I need to slow the bleep down, I need to fit my runs into my schedule. I’m on call for work during the week, then I’m going to drive to visit my parents on Saturday. So next week’s wrap-up might be late.