Monthly Wrap-Up: November 2017


Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

November 2017
Total Mileage:
 83.72 miles
Average Pace: 11:17/mile
Number of Runs: 18
Last Month (October 2017): 168.26 miles
Last Year (November 2016): 117.61 miles
Races: 2017 New York City Marathon (DNF), 2017 Trophy Trot 10K

Total Mileage for 2017 (through November 30): 1,556.04 miles

My coach really wanted to limit my mileage after the marathon, even though I didn’t do the full 26.2, so my mileage was down from last year. (And, you know, not running the last 14.46 miles of the New York City Marathon doesn’t help.)

My goals get a little interesting this month.

Goal 1: 1500 miles

Woohoo! Of course, I thought I was going to hit 1500 in New York City. I had to wait a week, but I blew past my goal. On November 28, I finished with 1551.03 miles, breaking my previous record for miles in a year, 1550.8 in 2015, with 33 days still left in 2017.

At least one of my goals will be met. The other two…well…

Goal 2: 6 races, with 2 that are 13.1 or greater
Goal 3: A PR in 3 different races

OK, since I didn’t finish the New York City Marathon, I can’t count that towards my 6 races, and since I only made it 11.74 miles, I can’t count it as 13.1 or greater. So the Trophy Trot 10K ended up being race #5. I do have race #6 scheduled, the Huntersville Half Marathon on December 9. As long as I finish that (which is something I no longer take for granted), I’ll hit Goal 2.

As for goal 3, I did not get a PR in November. I suppose there’s a chance I could get a PR in Huntersville, but otherwise, I’ll end up with only two official PRs, the Joe Davis Run For Recovery 10K and the Tobacco Road Half. Oh well.

My non-specific goals still haven’t changed since October. I’m still getting a little bit of non-running exercise, and I’m foam rolling twice each week. I’m still doing the slow easy run thing. Cooking, better eating, and more blogging aren’t happening, though. (And I don’t have my Trophy Trot 10K recap finished, either.)

Best Run: November 23, Trophy Trot 10K, 57:18.673 (9:13/mile pace)

Yeah, I might be disappointed with missing a PR by 14 seconds, but I handled a really, really tough course.

Shout out to my last run of the month on November 29 (November 30 was a scheduled rest day), a 5 mile tempo run where I ran the 3 miles in the middle in 9:34, 9:29, and 9:15(!). If I can do that in Huntersville, I can get a PR.

Worst Run: November 5, New York City Marathon, 11.74 miles in 2:44:58 (14:05/mile pace)

A DNF is always going to “win” the worst run of the month. I don’t really have anything new to say about it. It still sucks. As I write this, it’s 338 days until next year’s race. Not that I’m counting.

For December, I have the Huntersville Half Marathon, then I’ll try to get in some miles while traveling for the holidays. Also, Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes out, and I’m really excited, even though it has nothing to do with running.