I got to run again. Woohoo! I probably didn’t have to wait until Friday to be physically ready to run, but before then it pretty much rained constantly, so I’m OK with the wait.
I picked up one last cheap pair of Adrenaline 18s, since the 19s are out. Interestingly, the pair that they had in stock was the black with red and gold trim, which is the same color as my 2nd (and previously newest) pair. Strange, since the base style was gray with blue and black trim. Luckily, I won’t need them for a while. I’ll probably buy a pair of 19s to use in between the two pairs, because alternating between 2 shoes that look the same is tricky at best.
On another shoe-related note, I didn’t notice this until last week, but my 2nd pair of Adrenaline 18s (the ones I didn’t bring to New York) had 26.2 miles total on them. That’s just bizarre. I couldn’t do that again if I tried.
I’m not going to have my NYC recap done before Thanksgiving. The process for writing recaps is very similar to my marathons. It’s very slow, very difficult, and the results aren’t much to look at. I’ll get to the finish eventually, just like I did in New York City two weeks ago.
Weight Check: 167.4 pounds, down 0.4 from last week. Considering how low my mileage was, this isn’t terrible. I do know that before Saturday I probably would have seen more of a loss, though. I had a lot of fun Saturday. While “had a lot of fun” and “ate and drank too much” don’t have to go together, in this case, they did. And this week, I will embark on “Operation Minimize Weight Gain.”
Day | Scheduled | Total Miles |
Friday | 3 miles easy | 3.11 |
Saturday | 3 miles easy | 3.11 |
Total: 6.22 miles
Friday was my first day back. It was chilly, 36 degrees, but not too bad. I forgot that I had turned off auto-lap for the marathon, and this was my first run since then. I forgot to hit the lap button at the 1 mile mark, but I hit it at 2 and 3. (I turned auto-lap on after I was finished, so this won’t be an issue again unless I do another race where I’m surrounded by tall buildings.)
My legs felt fine, and I think I’m completely recovered from New York City. Maybe I could have gotten back out there a couple of days earlier, but like I said before, I’m OK with waiting for the rain to stop.
I kept the effort easy for the most part, although I did find myself pushing a little bit towards the end, and my pace seemed to be pretty consistent.
On Saturday, it was a few degrees warmer, so a little more pleasant. My legs felt fine. I eased up a bit in mile 2 when I felt like I was going a little too fast, and waited until the second half of mile 3 before picking it up again. I still managed to increase my average pace on each mile.
It’s good to be running again.
Next week, I’ll be traveling for Thanksgiving. No races this year, but I’ll still go out on Thanksgiving morning and take advantage of the greenway that’s less than half a mile from my sister’s house.