Yeah, I’m late this week. Sunday I got home late from being out of town. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, I was busy. Thursday evening I just forgot. So I’m writing a weekly wrap-up for last week when I’ve already completed 4 runs for this week.
I don’t remember much about last week. Good thing I’ve got notes from each run.
Weight Check: OK, so, I had to do my weigh in on Saturday morning before my long run, because I’d be headed out of town after my run, and wouldn’t be back until late Sunday. And, well, it wasn’t good. 169.8, up 7.6 pounds. That’s really not good. Now, I’m sure that, had I done a weigh in on Sunday which included my 15 mile long run, it would have been less bad. Still, “Run 15 miles in 70+ degree heat” just doesn’t seem like a sustainable way to maintain a healthy weight. I tried to make better choices this week, and I’ll find out in a few days if it paid off.
Day | Scheduled | Total Miles |
Monday | 7 miles easy | 7.01 |
Tuesday | Tempo Run: 2 mile warm up, 3 miles hard, 1 mile cool down | 6.01 |
Wednesday | 5 miles easy | 5.01 |
Friday | 5 miles easy | 5.01 |
Saturday | 15 miles easy | 15.01 |
Total: 38.05 miles
My coach decided to move my workout run to Tuesday, just to space out my workout run and long run as much as possible. OK, I’ll try (almost) anything.
Monday had more miserable weather. My legs were a little tired. I somehow managed to not walk or stop at any point. I had to resort to sheer stubbornness to get through this run. It wasn’t pretty, but I survived.
On Tuesday, it was better.
The weather was a couple of degrees cooler, although still humid and pretty uncomfortable. My legs felt OK for the most part but understandably got tired near the end. I took it pretty slow on the warm up miles. I kept the effort fairly steady with a small increase in pace for each mile of the tempo section. I did walk for about a tenth of a mile on the cool down, but I slowly jogged the rest of the way. I was pleased with the way it turned out.
Wednesday, the weather was miserable, as usual. My legs felt OK, though, especially considering it was the day after a workout run. I did speed up very gradually over the course of 5 miles, so I guess it went pretty well.
Friday had more miserable weather. My legs felt OK, I guess. I was a little slower, and while I didn’t pull off the reverse split, after the first mile my pacing was fairly consistent. Still, I tried not to push too hard the day before a 15 miler.
And on Saturday, it was time for that 15 miler.
It was extremely humid, but at least the sun didn’t come out to warm things up. My legs felt fine until the last 3 or so miles, then they got really tired. I had Gu at 4, 8, and 11 miles, and stopped for water pretty much every mile except the last one. I worked in a few hills, although it’s sometimes tough to see them in the elevation chart. (Some of them would be longer if it wasn’t for construction.) I walked a little bit on mile 13 and a lot on 14, but I did manage to rally for the last mile.
I can’t say it was a great run, but it wasn’t a disaster, and for now, I’ll take it.
The week may not have felt great, but I feel like, for the most part, I was able to at least hang in there.
This week, well, it’s almost over, with just a 16(!) miler left. We’ll see.