On my old blog, I titled my weekly posts “Weekly Running Report,” and on the rare occasions that I didn’t get in any miles, I had to change it to the “Weekly Non-Running Report.” I don’t have to change the name here, but (spoiler alert) I don’t have much to wrap up.
Weight Check: 167.7 pounds, down 1.5 from last week. Considering my lack of activity, I’ll gladly take it.
This Week’s Runs
(This space left intentionally blank.)
Total: 0.0 miles
My recovery has been slower than I’d like. I can’t seem to shake this nagging feeling right around the spot of the surgery. It’s not really pain, it just alternates between discomfort and, for lack of a better term, feeling like something isn’t quite right down there. Either way, I don’t want to risk aggravating it. Waiting a few extra days now will hopefully pay off later.
Also, while I’m not able to run, it’s hard to write about the times when I could run, so no Huntersville Half/December/2017 recaps yet.
I still don’t know when I’ll get back out there. I’m just taking it day by day. It sucks right now, but I know I’ll be able to run again eventually.
I have a trip to Savannah planned this week, so I’m hoping by then I’ll be able to run, so I can add Georgia to the list of states that I’ve run in. I’m coming back on Sunday, so next week’s wrap-up may be a little late. (Hopefully it will be a little longer, too.)