Nope, no race report yet. I did decide that I’m not going to call it a PR. I asked the question of whether I should consider it a PR on Reddit, and I talked to some of my co-workers, and while the answers were mixed, I decided that since it clearly wasn’t a full 5K, it shouldn’t count. I did like one of the answers I got on Reddit: “You’re obviously going to have to get out there and race another.” This is, of course, the correct answer. Too bad I have no idea when I’ll be able to race another 5K.
I retired my last pair of Brooks Adrenaline 16s on Monday. They got me through the Turkey Trot 8K, Joe Davis 10K, and Charlotte 10 Miler. They served me well.
I ended up going to see my parents this weekend so they could take me out to dinner for my birthday, but since I ended up taking off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I was able to do my long run on Friday, because I didn’t want to run 10 miles in the heat and then jump in the car and drive to my parents’ house almost 2 hours away.
Weight Check: 164.6, down 1.6 pounds from last week. I did my weigh-in on Saturday, before my run, but it still included my long run. I did indulge a bit to celebrate my birthday, but I got my mileage back up around where I’d like it to be, and being off of work means I drank less Mountain Dew.
Day | Total Miles |
Monday | 7.03 |
Tuesday | 4.01 |
Wednesday | 5.17 |
Friday | 10.02 |
Saturday | 5.01 |
Total: 31.24 miles
Monday, my legs were a little tired from around mile 2 until after I got to the top of the really big hill. After that, they were fine. I slowed down a little on Mile 6 for some reason. Otherwise, it was a pretty decent run considering it was my first since the race. Also, I went just past 7 because someone was coming towards me from the other direction walking a dog, and I didn’t want to stop in my tracks and have the dog start freaking out, so I waited until I had gotten past both dog and owner.
On Tuesday, I decided to do my weekly treadmill run a day early, because I still wanted to run on my birthday, but there was no way in hell I was going to get on a treadmill on my birthday.
I don’t think I’ve been to the Y on a Tuesday morning recently, but it seemed a bit more crowded than usual. When I got past 30 minutes, I noticed that all of the nearby treadmills were taken, and I started to worry that a Y employee might ask me to stop to free up a machine for someone else. I sped up to get to 4 miles, then stopped. By the time I had wiped down my treadmill, I saw several open treadmills nearby, so I guess I could have stuck around a little while longer. Oh well. Also, I didn’t feel like I was ready yet for a tempo run after my race, so I kept it fairly slow until the end.
Wednesday I ran 5.17 miles for my birthday, 5/17. Since my legs were feeling OK, after a warm up on the first mile, I decided to make it a tempo run. I ran fairly well. The weather was still pretty nice.
On Friday, I decided to do my long run. It got a lot more humid. And since it was a weekday, I didn’t want to drive all the way up to Freedom Park, so I had to stick to the McMullen Creek and Four Mile Creek greenways, with far fewer water fountains than I’d like. My legs held up pretty well, though, and I was able to speed up a bit on the last mile. I don’t know how I ended up with 10.02 miles. I guess I just waited a little to long to hit the stop button on my Garmin.
Finally, Saturday. It was probably worse weather than Friday, but luckily, I only ran half as far. My legs didn’t feel great after Friday’s run, but I somehow managed to get a reverse split anyway. Go figure.
Next week, I’ll be on call for the weekend, so I won’t have a proper long run, but I’ll try to get a slightly longer run in Friday morning before work, and maybe get a couple of extra miles here and there during the week. The forecast isn’t looking so good, with a decent amount of rain, but I’ll get through it. Also, I’d really like to finish my race report.